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Band Hall Flood - 2018

On 3 March 2018, the Band Hall suffered a serious flood due to freezing weather. This destruction has had a huge impact on the Band, as we prepared for the most important contest of the year on 10th March, and kept the Band out of the Band Hall for more than two months.

Immediate emergency rehearsal space was provided by Towcester C of E Primary School - our near neighbours, and by St Lawrence Church, for which we are immensely grateful.

Another near neighbour, Towcester Football Club, very generously hosted the Band for the rest of our enforced exclusion from the Band Hall - two 2-hour rehearsals each week. The Football Club’s generosity is very much appreciated and we are very grateful for the friendly and accommodating hospitality. Thank you.


We have been fortunate too in our insurers - New Moon Insurance - and our builders - D J Hutchings Ltd. Both have been very accommodating and we are grateful for their support.


For their unflagging dedication in dealing with this serious disruption, the Band wants to highlight the work of our Chairman, Chris, and our Treasurer, Pauline. In addition to dealing with the insurance and the builders, they have cleared the Band Hall for the work to take place, led from the front in inspiring and encouraging band members to clean up and then decorated once the Hall had dried out. The Band pulled together when called upon, but without Chris and Pauline, the work would not have been as focused and productive. They have provided very important leadership and given unstintingly of their time and skills. It is much appreciated.

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