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Friends of Towcester Studio Band (FrOTS)

On 27 May 2022 FrOTS was formally registered with The Charity Commission as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).  Its Charity Number is 1199110. 


The main aim of our new charity is:


“To promote brass band music for the benefit of the public by the provision of raising money for and grant funding to Towcester Studio Band”.


Towcester Studio Band has, for all of its 105 year history, been self-sufficient but has always relied on the generosity of local individuals and organisations to make this possible.


FrOTS will help expand and direct the support of Friends, Patrons and Sponsors to the Band’s current and future needs, so that the musical legacy that we have inherited can be made even richer for future generations.


The charity’s objectives include supporting the establishment of a Development Band to provide new opportunities for young and developing local players through training, education and enjoyment of brass and percussion playing in Towcester and surrounding villages.


We are therefore now recruiting and would like to invite anyone with an interest to become a 'Friend' of Towcester Studio Band. In return for signing up you will receive information about the Band and its activities and enjoy the satisfaction of supporting and being involved in the continuing tradition of Towcester’s brass band history. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the contact details provided and we very much hope that you will join us.


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